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Special forces clothing

Special Forces Clothing

Special forces clothing, what is it? Since the dawn of time, armies have always distinguished the bravest and most capable soldiers, whether they were royal guards or cavalry units, with specific uniforms. The reasons are various, but the main ones are certainly the pride of belonging to a department made up of “few” and to strike terror at the enemy who sees “tough ones” take the field. If in the past the uniforms of the elite departments were often gaudy and clearly visible, just think of the Polish Winged Hussars or the French Dragons or the Persian Immortals, in the contemporary age we began to think more about functionality than appearance, being low visibility a necessity of modern warfare … One of the first departments to adopt green uniforms, to “disappear” in the woods of North America, were the Rogers Rangers (progenitors of the current American Rangers) who gave a lot of trouble to the “colored” French regular troops, during the Franco-English wars .

From the 700 ‘to the end of the 900’ the step is short and we arrive at the First World War, where many armies still dressed “colored” and learned despite the need to be less visible under the fire of the machine guns.

The birth of clothing for special forces.

During the Great War many nations equipped themselves with specialized departments in the assault of the trenches, Sturm truppen, Stosstruppen, troupes de Choc, all specially equipped and dressed in a more functional and much less formal way. In Italy, on the other hand, the first real Special Forces are created, the Arditi, with equipment and clothing specifically designed for the actions (cycling jacket, sweater and riding pants), they are also the first to carry out war air raids.

In the first post-war period, many armies begin to form specialized departments: paratroopers, hunters, swimmers, etc. These departments will give great proof of themselves during the Second World War, but it will also lead to the formation of even more special departments (SAS, ADRA, XMas, X Arditi department, SFFS, Brandenburgers), characterized by super specialized equipment and practical and “off-book” clothing.

The Special Forces will evolve further due to the low intensity conflicts of the second post war, note the ability, they had an office in charge, to equip themselves to the best of the SOG departments in Southeast Asia. Specific uniforms, Tiger Stripes or black, out of order to better infiltrate behind enemy lines. Direct descendants were the Delta Force operators, with black jackets, jeans and dirty boots. The armies supplied specific uniforms to the FS, but always in military standards until the War on Terror, which acts as a watershed for the technological revolution of clothing. . The operators buy civilian technical clothing to face the Afghan winters in a more functional way, until the companies begin to produce technical garments but MILSPEC, in the colors required by the FS, and in a short time the GoreTex jackets with the standard parka cut, become jackets from mimetic mountaineering; the trousers are reinforced, stretch and with functional pockets; the combat-shirts are elasticized and sturdy, with fabrics specific to the climates to optimize operator comfort, here was born the real clothing for special forces

Quality of materials first of all!

The companies producing high performance fabrics (GoreTex, Polartec, ClimaShield Primaloft, Schoeller) develop products with specific characteristics required by the Armed Forces and Special Forces, which have now become standard in the Tactical and Bushcraft world, for reliability, strength and comfort .

Many Special Forces operators have opened companies or work there as consultants, and it shows in the functionality and wearability of the “uniforms” they create: light, robust and flexible, as comfortable as tracksuits.

Among the many companies that we have tested and let our friends of the FS test, Direct Action.

Polish company founded by a special forces operator and still led by several of them, produces Special Forces equipment that stands out for its functionality, sturdiness and absolute reliability as well as for an excellent value for money!


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Istruzioni per le taglie
Vorremmo assicurarci che l’abbigliamento che acquisti sia davvero adatto a te, affinché possano svolgere correttamente il loro scopo. Ti preghiamo di investire un momento del tuo tempo per consultare la guida alle misure e la tabella delle dimensioni corrispondenti per evitare errori. Per prendere la giusta misura, prova gli abiti che ti stanno bene e misura.

Il petto
Prova gli abiti e appoggiali su una superficie piana. Misura dal bordo sinistro al bordo destro appena sotto le maniche.

Prova gli abiti e appoggiali su una superficie piana. Misura dal bordo sinistro al bordo destro in vita.

Lunghezza manica
Indossa una camicia che ti piace, misura con un braccio al fianco, dalla cucitura della spalla lungo tutto il braccio fino a trovare la lunghezza desiderata. Si consiglia di posizionare la manica alla base del pollice (situata sull’articolazione del polso). Nelle giacche con maniche raglan, come Stratus® o Cumulus®, le misure delle maniche devono essere prese dalla base del colletto fino al polsino della manica.

Appoggia i pantaloni su una superficie piana. Misura la distanza del bordo interno dal cavallo, dove si incontrano le cuciture anteriore e posteriore, sul fondo della gamba.

Lunghezza dei pantaloni
Stendi i pantaloni su una superficie piana con i bordi esterni su entrambi i bordi. Fare attenzione a rimuovere eventuali rughe e pienezza dal pannello posteriore. Misura la distanza dalla parte superiore della cintura alla parte inferiore dell’orlo.

Per le gonne
Appoggia la gonna piatta più adatta alla tua taglia con le cuciture laterali rivolte verso l’alto. Usa la mano per appiattire / raddrizzare le rughe sul tessuto. Quindi misurare la distanza tra il punto del bordo superiore e il punto del bordo inferiore. Per ottenere il risultato più accurato dovresti misurarlo lungo le cuciture laterali.

Appoggia la gonna piatta più adatta alla tua taglia con la cerniera frontale rivolta verso l’alto. Usa la mano per appiattire / raddrizzare le rughe sul tessuto. Misurare la parte superiore della gonna (la linea di cintura) a partire da un bordo laterale verso il lato opposto. Quindi, raddoppia il risultato per ottenere la circonferenza della vita.

Circonferenza fianchi
Appoggia la gonna piatta più adatta alla tua taglia con la cerniera frontale rivolta verso l’alto. Usa la mano per appiattire / raddrizzare le rughe sul tessuto. Quindi misurare la distanza tra i punti laterali opposti sulla parte dell’anca (a seconda del taglio della gonna, i fianchi dovrebbero essere di circa 11-14 cm sotto il bordo superiore della gonna). Raddoppia il risultato per ottenere la circonferenza dei fianchi. La tolleranza per le dimensioni indicate nella tabella è di +/- 2 cm (vale solo per l’abbigliamento).